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Privacy Policy

Bre-Med Transcription

Privacy Policy and Guidelines

Our clients are assured of our compliance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) in which certain measures are put into place to guard the privacy and confidentiality of patient information. 

As an agent for health information custodians, it is our duty to follow the requirement of treating all personal health information as confidential and to maintain its security, protect personal information and keep in strict confidence in accordance with PIPEDA laws.  Personal information is defined as any recorded information about an identifiable individual. 

Bre-Med Transcription has signed agreements with each medical language specialist that has contact with protected health information from the client, by which they agree to protect the integrity and confidentiality of protected health information exchanged with clients.

We have taken strict measures to ensure PIPEDA compliance.  To assure our clients of the safety of their healthcare data, we have instituted the following safeguards:

  • Our platforms are secured with the latest technology, and user names and passwords are used for all web-based applications. Software is password-protected and is guarded against any unauthorized access.​​
  • Computer workstations are password-protected to prevent any unauthorized individual from gaining access to the secured information.
  • Unattended computer workstations are locked, and the individual must be logged out of all applications. 
  • Virus protection is verified and kept up to date on all computer workstations.
  • No information is stored on the hard drives of computer workstations. 
  • A secure server is used for file storage and electronic transfer of files.
  • Secure e-mail is used for file transfer with client’s approval.
  • Access is limited to only the job types assigned to a medical language specialist.
  • Voice files are deleted and destroyed. While doing so, the files will be destroyed in a manner that they cannot be restored after a specified archival period.
  • Reports are never printed.
  • Fax transmittal of any document is never permitted.